Saturday, June 21, 2008

Childbirth Class (Part 1)

We had our first childbirth class at the hospital on Thurs. nite. I really love our teacher, she's a hoot. lol. I tried to keep my questions to a minimum as to not embarrass Mark and come off like a "know-it-all." But even so, no one knew what the heck I was talking about anyway except the teacher. I didn't care really, I figure if there's anything in your life you should attempt to be a know-it-all about, it's your babies. The most important thing I'll ever do in my life will be to become a parent, and I'm going to use all the information and every resource available to me to help me do it better.

Important things I learned in class this week: 1) I can wear my own clothes, or no clothes!, during labor & birth! 2) I can labor in the tub even after my water has broken, but if I try to be sneaky and attempt a water birth, they will drain the water when I start pushing. 3) I really want to become a birth educator!

Oh, and we had a doctor's appt. yesterday. It wasn't very exciting. They did the 1-hr glucose test again, results next week sometime. I guess they were testing my blood for a couple of other things too. From now on we go every two weeks. Next appt.: July 7th @ 9:30am.

1 comment:

Sarah Fruetel said...

Well there's not much more time now is there? 9-11 is your due date isn't it?