Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter

Saoirse gets grabby with the Easter Bunny@ Whole Foods.
She also tried to eat his paw.

She looks like a singing accordion player to me here. lol.

Enjoying her overpriced headband and pinwheel in Brookside.

Spring Baby

7 Months Old! Yay!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Lunch w/Papa


Busy Saturday

Saoirse with Great-Grandma Tooley

Going to Deanna Rose Farmstead!

Saoirse thought this sheep was a kitty!
Also there was a goat behind me who thought my pants were tasty! He chased me around trying to eat them! he actually was eating them but i got them back. :)

Yay! Bunnies!


First Time in a Swing!


Petite Pony:
Sad Little Pony @ Deanna Rose

This is what happens when Mommy feeds me carrots with a soup spoon

Pooping Pennies?:
Seriously, How DID this penny get in here?
I changed this diaper in the maybe it snuck in there then.


More New Foods


Sweet Potatoes: