Saturday, May 10, 2008

Worlds of Nappies

We went today to try to register at Happybottomus in downtown Lee's Summit. Unfortunately the owner was out so we'll have to go another time. But we had fun showing Becky all around the shop, which is totally awesome. Mark bought me a button sure to make me very unpopular that says "Epidurals are for sissies" lol.

I was very excited to see that they do have our compostable/biodegradable disposable diapers and wipes. We're planning on using those for the first month probably and then switch to cloth, but also keep some disposables on hand for outings. At this point I think that the pocket diapers will be our most economic & convenient choice but I haven't totally ruled out just plain pre-folds with diaper covers either. If you are interested, here's a good explanation of all the different kinds.

There are so many choices now, it's kind of overwhelming, but fun exploring all of our options as well.

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