Sunday, July 13, 2008

Orgasmic Birth

Doula Sarah sent me home with a few more books and a dvd last week. We got around to watching the dvd "Orgasmic Birth" last nite, and I have to admit, I was a little freaked out.

There were only two women that really made me cringe with embarrassment, and all the information they presented made perfect sense, so overall it was a good documentary. I understand the concept and all so I'm not discounting any of it... but it still makes me feel sort of yucky. lol.

Here, read all about it yourself: Orgasmic Birth (beware of loud moaning on the preview, it starts automatically)

Anyway, we also got a couple of books to add to our list.

Calm Birth w/ cd
The Breastfeeding Book
The Birth Partner

1 comment:

Sarah Fruetel said...

Thanks for the warning on the moaning. :) Hmmmmm.... I'd have to think about that orgasmic stuff.