Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Dr. Appt. (7/7)

Had a good appt. on monday. the midwife said that my hemoglobin was the best she had ever seen! whoo hoo! apparently that means that baby is getting awesome oxygen from my blood. They seem to be perplexed that I keep passing sugar but yet my diabetes blood test came back with wayyy normal numbers. and for once in my life, I'm not having any weight issues! yay! it seems like pregnant women are getting yelled at by their doctors right and left for weight gain, but not me! still not up to where I was before first trimester. but baby needs to double in weight over the next two months so i expect to be expanding rapidly, very soon. kinda scary all of sudden since I feel VERY pregnant this week. I'm starting to really waddle around and it feels awful if I attempt to bend over. Bending over at all will soon become totally impossible. And i'm not sure if this baby just took up kung fu or what, but she is beating me silly from the inside. lol.

Next appt. 7/18@3:30

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