Thursday, July 03, 2008

Growl Tiger

Oh boy, I'm a crabby pregnant lady this week for sure. I've done alot of crying, some hysterical crazy laughing for no reason, and TONS of being a cranky mommy bear. If you talked to me at the beginning and thought I was snappy...oh nelly that was NOTHING! If you come around now...put your thick skin on! lol. I skipped La Leche League last nite I was so crabby. Basically, everything anyone does or says makes me mad. lol.

Honestly, probably no one I've talked to has really noticed except Mark. Poor poor Mark. I've done a good job of only really communicating through blog and email with most people. But oh boy I've been in Mr. Tooley's FACE this week. I'm sorry Mr. Tooley. *pat pat pat*

And no, i'm not physically miserable yet. I feel great actually. I finally feel like I've got a respectable pregnant belly going on and I looooove it. The heat isn't bothering me at all, and I doubt it will. What people forget when they make comments about how it's going to suck for me when it gets hot is....I'm already fat!! LOL. I'm miserable EVERY summer! This summer is going to be no different at all.

Well, I'm going to go take some anger out on my knitting now. Freaking never ending baby blanket!!

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