Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Infant Care

We had our Infant Care class last nite. Cyndie, Mark and I all went and sat through almost three hours of baby related info. I was the least pregnant, pregnant lady there I think, everyone else looked like they were about to pop. lol.

Mark was a superstar and asked the best question of the nite! The instructor was going on and on about all these tests that they run on the newborn and I was seriously about to freak out (Don't touch my baby!! AHHH!) LOL. anyway, so mark raises his hand and asks "sooooo...when do they start to do all these tests?" yayyy! my Mooty was on the same brainwave as me! she answered that they don't do it till the second day or right before you leave. later when we got home we were talking about how it would be awesome if they could leave all those tests for much later after Little One has had a chance to get used to his/her's new environment. I mean jeez, baby is a little tired from being born and they want to take him/her away from mommy and daddy and start jabbing and probing! not cool!

the class was pretty good i thought, she did make a big deal out of mentioning that the AAP no longer recommends circumcision and that breastfeeding is better than bottlefeeding/formula. but then she totally rained on my parade by saying that you shouldn't co-sleep! uh, we're totally co-sleeping, the hospital's policy on that can majorly suck it!

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