Monday, March 17, 2008

Baby on the Brain

so when i was bored and started our baby registry like a million years early, i added everything that looked cool and i assumed that you needed for a baby. now that i'm doing some more reading, i've realized that babies don't really need all that much stuff, so i've done some downsizing of our wishlist alot.

i figure mostly we are just going to need a couple of baby slings, a carseat, a bunch of cloth diapers/covers, and some onesies. lol. pretty simple. :) but i still have some "wants but not necessarily needs" items that just seem like they'd make life easier.

like this thing: MiracleBlanket
-when i was nannying for Ilena and was swaddling her, it never seemed to stay put together right, so this product seems like a super genius idea to me.

and these are a couple of the slings we looked at:MayaWrap and MobyWrap

I'm seriously considering not bothering with a crib at all. we want to do "bed sharing" for as long as we breastfeed (hopefully till about 2 years), and by that time I think baby would be perfectly safe in the antique toddler bed that I have from my grandmother ( I slept in it till my legs hung down through the slats and i got evicted and forced to sleep in a big scary bed, lol). It just seems like such a pain to buy a crib and a mattress and all this stuff when I know i'm just going to want to snuggle up with my little papoose between us in our king size bed.

The biggest issue we're going to have is laying down MANY more rugs in our house. Alot is probably end up going towards those. i look around and kinda start freaking out a little at how un-baby-friendly our house is at this point. As it gets warmer we're just going to have to take it one room at a time i guess and clean the crap out of it and do some massive rearranging and packing up of stuff.

Unfortunately, I just don't have the energy to do anything yet except plan this all out in my head, blog and read. lol.

P.S. no, i'm not showing yet. but things should start moving along a bit in the next month i hope. i can't wait to have a baby belly!

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