Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The More You Know....

I learned today at the neurologist that I was NOT having small strokes last week but in fact something called a "complicated migraine". This is where instead of getting the headache part of the migraine, you experience stroke-like symptoms. In my case, speech dysfunction. Example: saying "bedroom" in response to every question and "bitto" instead of burrito, and "met" instead of "mad". Very freaky and scary. But now instead of going hysterical and thinking that i'm having an aneurysm, i can just sigh and hope that Mark can translate for me and wait for it to pass. I'd rather have 5 minutes of crazy talk than temporary paralysis on one side of my body or something. lol. :D

1 comment:

Sarah Fruetel said...

WOW...... when did this start?