Tuesday, January 22, 2008


We saw ONE baby today with a good strong heartbeat!!! yayyyyyy!!!! the doctor wants another sonogram next tues just to make sure everything is okay....maybe because of the confusion last week with the two sacs.

The sonographer thought we were probably at 6 weeks instead of 7, so that would add a week onto my due date making it sept. 14 and not sept. 7.

My pregnancy symptoms have gotten really noticeable in the last week. I'm pretty queasy from mid afternoon till bedtime. I bought some natural ginger ale and Preggie Pops (lollipops for morning sickness). those seem to be helping. someone told me i should take my vitamins later in the day as well. i can't eat very much at a time and I have to eat every hour or so, oh and I get tired REALLY easily. going to lunch and to target yesterday exhausted me so much that i came home and slept for 2 hours! oh, and i swear my belly is getting bigger already!

Mark is going to try to get the sonograms that we have so far scanned soon. hopefully i can get those up this week. This is very exciting!!

1 comment:

Sarah Fruetel said...

OH MY GOSH, this is ALL too exciting!! I'm so happy for you!