Thursday, January 10, 2008

Doula Doula

From Wikipedia: "A doula is an experienced, non-medical assistant who provides physical, emotional and informed choice support in prenatal care, during childbirth and during the postpartum period."

We have an interview appt. with a doula next Thurs. I'm pretty psyched about the idea of having a doula and really want it to work out. It's sort of part of my compromise to going with an OB instead of a midwife and giving birth in a hospital instead of in a birth center or at home. I just want someone there to help me fight off the drug pushing nurses and scalpel happy doctors if at all possible. According to the books I need to keep my birth plan "flexible" so I'm giving it my best.

P.S. Every time I hear the word "doula" I think of my grandfather sitting at the grand piano singing "Boula Boula" (Yale's Fightsong- my aunt Julia's alma mater) in his booming voice and me giggling uncontrollably and thinking he was the greatest grandpa in the world. :)

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