Tuesday, August 19, 2008


The nurse just called to let me know that I'm negative for the group B strep! yay! no anitbiotics for me!

This week is vacation so I'm spending it getting caught up on my "To Do" list. Mark's mom has volunteered to come over practically everyday and help me. Thank you Becky! :D Over the weekend we worked on the nursery and yesterday did 9 million loads of baby laundry. It's pretty awesome to have help since I wouldn't accomplish much by myself. It takes alot of effort just to get up off a chair and walk from one room to another. Forget carrying anything or picking anything up off the floor. lol.

Speaking of discomfort, I'm pretty much there. Sleeping is a challenge and I'm almost becoming used to being in pain in any position. Walking sucks too. But it's really not that bad, just annoying. So, message to baby: "anytime now sweet-bear! come on down!"

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