Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dr. Appt. (8/15)

This was our big 36 week appt. at the doctor's office, which really didn't mean much except it lasted a little longer. Everything looked good and I hope to hear back next week on the Group B Strep tests. If you are positive (which 50% of women are) it just means they want to give you a round or two of antibiotics while in labor. My weight and blood pressure are doing great and I'm not swollen which is awesome. It doesn't look like the baby is coming early either because I'm not dilated at all. I was somewhat disappointed at this news because although I still have stuff to do to prepare for baby, I'm ready to get this birthing show on the road already. The thought of being pregnant for up to 5 more weeks makes me want to punch Mark! lol. :)

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