Monday, July 20, 2009


Between computer issues and life issues, I've been slacking on the blog. But we are all caught up now! Yay!

We have started the seemingly never ending process of prepping our house for sale and have been dreaming about our big escape to the pacific northwest. Mark had been casually job hunting but we were pretty surprised when he got caught up in the latest round of lay-offs at US Central. So not that we had a concrete plan before, but now we REALLY don't know what the hell is going on. lol.

I DO know that we really want to sell this house asap and get something that is laid out a little better. Oh, and something that isn't freezing and miserable in the winter. lol. Home ownership or at least, "Old home" ownership wasn't all that we dreamed it would be.

So in the midst of all this uncertainty, there are some awesome bright spots ahead! We're looking forward to taking a trip to Atlanta at the end of August for my cousin Sam's Bar Mitzvah and of course Saoirse's BIG First birthday is coming up soon! So Exciting!

Baby News:
* You can probably tell from the pics, but she is sprouting teeth right and left! She is working on Tooth #5 recently and it's a doozy. There was fever and poo-issues but mostly there has been lots of cranky!
* She is doing a funny bear walk thing now and pulling up on absolutely EVERTHING! She has gone from mostly eating bits of things off the ground to pulling anything she can grab off elevated surfaces onto the floor. FUN!
* Putting a diaper on this baby is like wrestling a cat.
* She can wave when she feels like it. Sometimes her wave can get quite violent if your face gets too close. :)

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