Monday, January 26, 2009


Another Milestone

Saoirse rolled from her back to her stomach on Friday! (i think it was fri., it all kind of runs together when you are tired all the time. lol)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

She woke up just to tell me this...

...and it took a good 5 minutes to finish her story.
Since she was smiling in her sleep, I'd like to think that she was explaining the crazy dream she just had. "You were there mommy, and dada too and there was a magical unicorn and lots of kittens! we all played peek-a-boo, and then daddy did his silly belly dance, it was so funny!"

Nursery Times

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Super Happy Fun Videos

Our Saturday

Saoirse tried to eat her Dada's thumb @ Chipotle, teething is unhappy

Dada offered a cold drink to take the edge off. :D

Saoirse showing off her "beer" belly. ha!
(notice that mama figured out how to pixelate! yay!)

Then she had a relaxing bath...

and went night-night.
(on the couch next to Dada, who is reading Twilight
because every woman he knows won't stop obsessing about it. lol.)

Friday, January 09, 2009

Today's Pics

Today's Videos

a Milestone!

Saoirse rolled over from her belly to her back TWICE today! whoo hoo!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Amber Teething

In my last picture post, Saoirse is wearing an amber teething bracelet. I didn't know anything about these until a couple of months ago. We got her a bracelet and a necklace for christmas and I'm experimenting with them. It makes me a little nervous to put jewelry on a baby, especially since I'm not a jewelry person myself. I mean, I love looking at it, but I don't wear it. I don't even wear a wedding ring. anway, going off topic there... lol. so ya, the amber's "analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties make it ideal as a natural (no drugs) homeopathic product for babies and children." and we are ALL about homeopathic remedies for our little Boots. I've talked to several moms who swear by these and say they even work as a pain reliever for adults.

Here's the link with alot of info from the Happybottomus (our local natural parenting store) website: Amber Teething


Did I get your attention? lol.

As a nursing mother, this is an important topic to me.

Time article on Facebook's War on Nipples