Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Baby Fat

Yesterday was a day off from work for both of us. Which was good because we had to go back to the pediatrician. She was totally psyched to see that Saoirse had gained a pound! whoo hoo! She weighed 7lbs 8oz. naked and 7lbs11oz with clothes (which is usually how they weigh her). Last time we weighed on that scale was Friday Oct. 3 i think and at that time she was 6lbs9oz with clothes.

After the doctor's office we went over to children's mercy to have blood drawn for her newborn screening test. It's state mandated and they usually do it before you leave the hospital, but since she wasn't born in a hospital we have to run around afterwards and get all this stuff done. Having blood drawn from a newborn is NOT a good time by the way. they tourniquited her arm and stuck a needle/tube/syrynge combo in and she SCREAMED, oh how she screamed. Mark said he wanted to punch the nurse. i was too tired to even have any thoughts so I was impressed that his brain is still actually functioning. :) mine is NOT.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good thing I didn't go