Tuesday, December 30, 2008

everything loves kittens

I had a video of a very cute baby bathtime to post but then realized that her ladybits were showing and i'd rather not post it on the internet. so until the next bathtime, here is a video of a parrot and a cat. :D

Cat and parrot

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tummy Time

Over the weekend that we celebrated Saoirse's 3-month birthday and Mark's mom Becky's birthday on Saturday with a trip to Crown Center. I put her in the ring sling and she was pretty fascinated with all the holiday chaos. I was suprised she lasted through our dinner, but shortly after she demanded HER dinner so I gave up and headed to the car. So we left without pictures, bummer. We'll try again after Christmas maybe.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Camera Dump

Her fav. thing EVAR lately is sitting up,
but she's not too sure about the Bumbo seat and the
Bebe Pod (pictured here).
Santa @ US Central last Sat.
We took this with our camera,
but we should be getting the professional shot soon.

There's never an empty lap at the Tooley house.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Monday, December 01, 2008

Potty Mouth

err..you know, cause I'm going to talk about diapers now. lol.

my original plan was to use special fancy biodegradable diapers for a few weeks at least and then switch to cloth. in reality, we ended up using whatever people gave us which was some Huggies, Pampers , Seventh Generation Chlorine Free and finally boatload of Earth's Best Chlorine Free (which was getting closer to where I wanted to go with our diapering plan).

yesterday we went to Babies R Us to pick up some more more Earth's Best and I was super excited to see that they now sell my special fancy biodegradable Nature Babycare diapers! YAY!!! they are awesome! . they also sell g Diapers as well now (a hybrid diaper that i've blogged about before), so i'm interested in trying those when Saoirse moves up into size 2.

I'm not sure i'll ever get to a place where i'm using all cloth. I mean, my heart is there theorically... but it's the reality of it that scares me a little. I was considering trying a diaper service at first, but then I heard that the only diaper service in town is no longer in business. poop! lol.

My goal is to try cloth for at least a day or two at some point. So far, Saoirse has really been so small that these teeny little disposables have been the only thing I wanted to mess with. Maybe when she gets bigger I'll get brave.

Genius Cat Haiku

oh, I scratched the couch
does that upset you? you mad?
you had me neutered

I love to eat grass
though it makes me sick each time
like you and vodka

I lounge in the sun
savoring the morning scents
have fun at your job

More Cat Haikus by the guy who did the film 'Henri' that i posted previously.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Get Up! Sit Up!

Soon she'll be standing up for her rights! lol.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Secret Baby Language

bonjour bebe


Pretty new sweatow!

Pete's new favorite place to lay is right next to baby. awww.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Baby is Computer Saavy AND philanthropic!

I have approximately 2 minutes to actually type something here before Saoirse realizes that I'm not holding her and starts making the squishy face, which is immediatly followed by warning grunts and then her "i am NOT happy with this situation" screeching.

I meant to put this up a couple of weeks ago, but here it is now. I'm not on my own schedule anymore.

Apparently my 6 week old baby learned to use the computer around the end of October and hopped on the interwebs to make a donation to OxFam in honor of my birthday. What a good baby! lol.

They have this really cool option called Oxfam Unwrapped, where "Gift items symbolically represent the work of Oxfam America in 120 countries. Your recipient gets a personalized card—and your donation helps people living in poverty throughout the world."

Saoirse, being a baby and drawn to fluffy and soft things, donated to "HIV/AIDS-affected households with a starter flock: a dozen chicks to produce eggs, generate income, and improve nutrition."

Anyway, we've actually used this site for gifts before and it's a really cool way to do something different for a birthday or the holidays. Check it out!


P.S. I had to type most of this one handed, my two minutes ran out. :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Friday, November 07, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pic Update + Video Smiles

Chair Toast!
Toast in a swing!

Toast on a blanket!

Bucket & String= Best Toys Evar!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Deanna Rose

Ilena loves goats!

Sandy & Ilena on the hayride