Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Baby Talk

After giving nature a year to do it's thing, I finally realized that it wasn't going to happen as "naturally" as I hoped. I was really frustrated with my doctor as well, who was about as communicative as a rock.

I started the fertility drug Clomid last month, and then switched to a new doctor who is pretty awesome so far. We're basically starting from scratch I guess though, which flustered me a little considering I've gone through acupuncture, Chinese herbs, herbal supplements, 3 different ultrasounds, an endometrial biopsy, countless blood work, and months and months of taking my temp. every fracking day and charting everything my body does.

So, on to the next phase I guess. NewDoctor is on a mission. new tests, more procedures, blah blah blah. Thursday I go in for a "HSG" in which they shoot dye into my tubes and x-ray them. Thank god our insurance covers at least all the diagnostic stuff. I'm trying not to worry about the other stuff NewDoctor was wanting to do that insurance doesn't cover. I'm hoping to hold off on the more aggressive options as long as I can, but they only let you take the drugs for so long before they start in with the AI and in-vitro. NewDoctor was pretty confident that she could get it done with at least just a couple of rounds of the AI, but I guess we'll wait and see. And that's the most aggravating part, waiting to see what happens. I'm a basket case! but that's really nothing new though is it? lol. :D

We're going to try to keep busy and hopefully distract ourselves a little, going to St. Louis this weekend for our 5 year wedding anniversary and to hang out with my sister Rosebud and her husband Jeff. I'm pretty psyched!

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