Friday, July 27, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Spoke too soon...
Friday, July 20, 2007
news update
I'm so excited that things are working out so awesomely. I really love the Norris clan and i was feeling so bummed that I might have to go work for some rich people in Mission Hills and make alot of money. lol. but i'd be miserable. and i'm on a journey of happiness, not $$$! right? right!!
Mark just got a part-time job at his tattoo shop, Rose Tattoo Parlor, in the River Market. This of course on top of his 9-5. He's basically working for tattoos, and to meet alot of VERY interesting people. :D He's very psyched about it. Also, Mark has lost almost 30 pounds so far people!! He's actually RUNNING!!! HOLY CRAP!!! he's up to about 2 miles A DAY!! I can't even believe it! seriously you guys, I've been attached to mark like a barnacle for 10 years, and this is a pretty amazing development! he's totally my hero!
We are taking a trip to Pittsburgh, PA Aug. 9 - 13 to meet my mom, Jana and my half-brother Chris. My half-sister Rosie is traveling from Cape Girardeau and will meet us there. We've met up with Rosie once a couple of years ago in Kansas City but this is going to be for the most part, a first time family reunion for us. Pretty Exciting!
We're still planning on trying to start a family of our own soon, but I think it's going to be a long road for us. There have been pretty much nothing but tests so far so it's been a bit nerve racking. Anyhoo, don't mean to get all sad on you, but send some prayers or whatever our way! :)
Bleech!! A Gnat just flew up my nose! grosssss!!! lol.
Phoebs (Mark says "hullo!")
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sharing Art

oil, enamel, spray paint on panel, 78x58 inches
And since I was thinking about Modern, I thought about how, in the new Bloch Building at the Nelson, a guard was sort of jerky to me as we were looking at this pretty fantastic installation:
These are pictures I pulled up from the web, so that's not exactly how it looked at the Nelson but it was super cool nevertheless.

Excerpt from the Nelson-Atkins' website:
Kiki Smith: Constellation
June 9, 2007—October 28, 2007Kiki Smith’s Constellation is a meditation on the infinity of space and our human desire to know and tame it – to make it our own. In this room-sized installation, the artist brings the vast dome of heaven down to earth, where cast glass animals and stars sparkle and glow at our feet. Arranged upon a plane of night-blue Nepal paper, these miniature symbols of distant constellations awaken wonder and remind us of the mystery that compelled ancient astronomers to chart and name them.
The interrelatedness of nature and its parts is a pervasive theme in Kiki Smith’s work. She explores the human and animal, the celestial and earthly, the macrocosm and microcosm. Like the poet, mystic, or natural philosopher, she approaches our universe with reverence. Like the contemporary scientist, she is driven by a desire to understand.