Thursday, September 28, 2006

King Tut Rocks!

Mark and I have been thinking that instead of going to a fancy dinner for our anniversary this year, we should go somewhere! So After hearing all this fuss about the King Tut exhibit at the Fields Museum in Chicago, we decided we need to go check it out!

mark has never been to Chicago and I was there once when i was like, eight, so i barely remember it. We're very excited because we really never go anywhere!

the plan is to drive as fast as we can towards chicago at 5am on sat. 10/14 and pack as much as we can into a 24 hour period. we've got tickets to the king tut exhibit, but besides that, we're open to suggestions!

and because we are on a budget, we have to stay by the airport, butapparently there's a train station a block away, so we'll get to ride the L downtown. awesome! :)

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